Pokemon Black & White Episode 30 A UFO for Elgyem

While Ash, Iris, Cilan, Pikachu, and Axew are asleep, they are suddenly
woken up by a bright light. Ash and Iris believe it is a UFO, while
Cilan insists there must be a scientific explanation. He claims to be a
Science Connoisseur. When they reach town the next day, Cilan asks if
there are any rumors of UFO sightings in the area, and someone
overhearing the conversation directs them to Professor Ikarus. As they
cross a rope bridge to his lab, they all receive a strange vision of Ash
falling through one of the planks. When they test the plank before
stepping on it, they watch it break. As they reach the professor's lab,
Cilan knocks on the door and asks him if the UFO rumors are true. As
professor Ikarus tries to get them to leave, Cilan convinces him to let
them stay after praising his work. As Ikarus tries to explain what he is
doing, they get a vision of something exploding. He rushes off to check
on his experiment as Cilan and the others follow to see the professor's
flying saucer. He tells them to remove its energy source, and they do
so, with the help of professor Ikarus' Elgyem which is revealed to have
psychic powers. The professor tells them of how he always wanted to
travel to outerspace and spent most of his life developing a flying
saucer spacecraft. He explained that when he tested one of his mini
prototypes, it accidentally hit Elgyem, and he brought it back to his
lab to help it heal, beginning their friendship. When Elgyem began
showing interest in his research, Ikarus began having Elgyem test its
powers, but it began to scare off the other townsfolk from his property
to seclude them, which began the UFO rumors. Soon, two people approach
the lab and state that they want to have Professor Ikarus be the first
to see the successful manipulation of Dark Matter. However, a device
they have soon traps Ash and the other and captures Elgyem, before the
two people reveal themselves to be Team Rocket who escape with Elgyem.
Cilan manages to send out Dwebble to free them from the device. Ikarus
tells everyone to get onto his flying saucer and they chase Team Rocket
in their hovercraft. As Ash's Tranquil fights Jessie's Woobat, Elgyem is
freed by the efforts of Axew and Pansage, before Pikachu's Electro Ball
destroys Team Rocket's hovercraft. However, the fight has damaged the
professor's flying saucer. With only one engine working, the flying
saucer falls into a gorge. Elgyem using Telekinesis manages to lift and
land the saucer safely back at the lab. Ikarus then tells them that he
plans to repair the flying saucer, and send Elgyem back into space. As
Ash and the others say their goodbyes to the professor, Elgyem's psychic
powers show the group various visions, which Cilan realizes must
explain the vision earlier. He also says these visions are telling
Professor Ikarus that Elgyem wants to stay with him. After they leave,
the gang sees a UFO zigzagging through the sky which cannot be
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